Pattern and Connectors

Phew what a week!  I finished up at my day job on a Friday, and started a new role with a new firm on Monday. Busy, busy. I set up Sasha and Max on Facebook (after much hesitation - it was not a very user friendly site for a Gen X gal), and I've been a beading demon this weekend, making lots of  pairs of earrings and these necklaces.

It's interesting how using like materials and scale but in very different styles can deliver some diverse results - I'm having a jewellery open afternoon next Saturday with my lovely Mum, and the possible age range of the ladies attending will be broad, hence the experimenting with styles. Hey, my jewellery design style is generally my style, so it's either your thing or not, but it does range from clean lined to more decorative when I feel like it.

The top necklace has a connector from Summers Studio, combined with 2 scales of wooden beads and seed beads. It is a good mix of contemporary and classic.

The middle one makes a strong statement with its clean line feel, with a gorgeous two tone connector from Round Rabbit, mixed with seed beads and large scale wood beads.

The bottom one is a classic look, with a yellow and blue connector in a Victorian style from Summers Studio that reminds me of lovely wallpaper, with yellow jade.

Lots more ideas - just need to find the time....!


  1. Nice and clean. Love the way you used the connectors. I think these suit just about any age really. Good luck with the open.

  2. Hi Vicki,
    It took me a while to work out that this is actually you! I had no idea you had a blog and that you make jewellery. That is awesome - way to go! And I love your Creative & Managing Directors. Classic!

    Thank you so much for stopping by on my blog and for your words of encouragement. They really mean a lot to me. I hope you are well, good luck with the new job and hope to see you soon.
    x dana


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