Maxy Cat

Sweet Maxy, one of our main coon twin cats (furr kids) after whom this blog and the jewellery shops are named has been very ill over the last few days. We are on an emotional rollercoaster, he is only a baby at 4 years, and has just pulled through major kidney surgery this afternoon. We are hoping and praying that he survives the ordeal.  If you can say a prayer or send some healing karma our way for Max that would be wonderful.

Thanks, Vicki and Sasha (and Kevin, my darling husband)


  1. Oh Vicki - hope your 'fur-kid' pulls through.
    An old vet trick is to put a dog within view of recovering cats, especially if they won't eat.

    1. Thanks so much Greer - we have been so sad about it - the prognosis was not good but he seems like a fighter - time will tell I'm sure- there are dogs in view of Max at the vet hospital, so maybe that will encourage him to recover soon!

  2. Poor Max! It's so hard when the fur children are unwell. Hope Max pulls through. Fingers crossed.

  3. Virtual hugs to Max and you!

  4. Oh, Vicki, I do hope Max is better soon. I know how hard it is to have one of your babies ill like this. Hugs and healing.

  5. Oh Vicki, i am so sad to read that lovely Max is ill. Be sure i will pray for him from all my heart.
    Be strong sweet boy !


  6. Sorry to hear that Max is ill. Everything is crossed that he pull through ok, hugs for all of you. PS. I also have a cat named Max, who's 6 months old.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Tracy. Sadly we had to let him go on Thursday. Max is the perfect name for a cat, lovely to hear about your little baby.

    2. I've only just seen your sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful boy. Hugs to you and your family. X

  7. I had a cat named Max that I loved dearly. I am sending good wishes and hugs to all of you.


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