Enamelling Experiments at the Gaffa

My Sunday was spent at the Gaffa Gallery, a gallery and studios in the Sydney city centre that has a jewellery focus. Wanting to do the enamelling course for a while, today was the first of 2 Sundays with the excellent and very patient teacher, Alida.

We learnt the basics and made several trial pieces. It is not the sort of thing you can replicate at home in a high-rise apartment as your need a kiln and a serious extractor fan , but it is worth doing the get the creative juices going - mine have stalled for a quite a few weeks due to a sick mum (now on the mend after breast cancer, and doing very well) and some intense emotionally draining weeks at the day job.

Here are my experiments, some successful, so not so much! Apologies for some of the photo quality - the afternoon light is fading here but I was keen to post on the blog as it has been a while.
We played with plain glazes, glass rods and dots. I think that my favourites are the white pieces.

 Next Sunday will be spent on creating more finished projects.


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